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Statement according to § 5 TMG:

SmithWorks Europe GmbH

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                                             58579 Schalksmühle, Germany     
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Register Court:                     Court of Iserlohn, Germany

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Managing Directors:              Melanie Hembeck, Jan Alberts
(authorized to represent)        
VAT Id. No.:                            DE340010939     
(according to § 27 UStG)


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1. Content of the online offer

The SmithWorks Europe GmbH in the following mentioned as author, does not take on any guarantee for the up to date, correctness, completeness or quality for the provided information. Claims of liability towards the author, referring to material or idealistic damages, caused by the use or not use of the provided information or caused by the use of faulty and incomplete information, are absolutely out of the question, provided that on the part of the author there is no demonstratable intentional or gross negligent fault . All offers are without engagement and obligation. The author strictly reserves the right to change parts of the pages or the whole offer, to add, to cancel or to stop the publication temporaily or finally without separate announcement.


2. Refers and links

In case of direct or indirekt refers ("links") to strange internet sites, which are out of the author`s area of responsibility, an obligation of liability would be effective only in the case the author would be aware of the content and it would be technical possible for him to prevent the use in case of illegal contents . The author therefore declares strictly, that at moment of putting the link the corresponding sites were free of illegal contents. The author has no influence at all on the current or future design of the contents of the connected sites. Therefore he strictly distances himself from all contents of the connected sites which has been changed after the connection. This establishment is valid for all links in the own internet offer, as well as for strange registration in the author`s guestbooks, discussion forums and mailing lists. Only the provider of the site connected with is responsible for illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and especially for damages, caused by the use or not use of such information, and not the person who refers to the publication by links.


3. Copyrights and trademarks

The author is endeavoured to consider all copyrights of the grafics and texts of the publication, to use grafics and texts produced by himself or to fall back on licence free grafics and texts. All trademarks mentioned in internet and perhaps protected by a third party are defeated unrestrictedly the rules of the right of possesion of the registered owner. Only on the basis of the mention one can`t come to the conclusion that trademarks are not protected by third parties! The copyright for publicated, from the author created objects, belongs to the author of the sites. A multiplication or use of such grafics and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the author`s strictly agreement.


4. Legal binding of this exclusion of liability

This exclusion of liability is to see as a part of the internet offer, from which is referred to this page. If parts or single phrases of this text do not correspond completely or partial with the currently legal position, the remaining parts of the document are not to be affected by its content and its legal force.


5. Trademarks

The products characterized with ® or © are registered trademarks of the corresponding companies. The company names and trademarks indicated in our sites are used without violation of sense ot the corresponding product. Not indicated trademarks and copyrights on products are registered without intention of omission.


dated: 02.2025


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